Our Services
Digital Drop-ins

Catbytes runs digital drop ins in Lewisham. These are sociable events where people can come to learn internet skills.
Catbytes are the host of these events, although the venue may be provided by a partner organisation.
All our drop-ins:
- Are open to everyone.
- Can be visited without pre-booking
- Are free of charge.
Home visits
We also arrange one on one buddying sessions for people in their own homes. As there is a lot of demand for these, we only provide them to people who are unable to leave home.
Our Buddies
People are taught digital skills with Catbytes by volunteers who we call "buddies".
Buddies sit with someone and guide them through the process of learning what they interested in. Click here to find out more about buddying.
Would your organisation like a digital drop-in?

Our digital drop-ins have a range of funders, including Lewisham Homes, Lewisham Council and Clarion Housing. If you would like to commission
digital drop-ins please speak to us. We have a flexible pricing structure.
Bespoke Teaching Courses
Alongside our digital drop-ins, Catbytes can provide teaching courses on specific topics. Among the subjects we have taught are:
Our Clients
Our clients for bespoke teaching courses have included Lewisham Homes, Lewisham Council, 2000 Community Action Centre, Lewisham Parent Carers and LEEN (Lewisham Experts by Experience).
Would you like us to run a course for your organisation?
If you would like to talk about a course you would like to run, please contact us.

Device Loaning

Catbytes' device loaning scheme enables our clients to use technology free of charge. It is currently depends entirely of donations from the public and corporations.
- We refurbish all donated devices, doing repairs when necessary.
- We wipe them to an industry standard.
- We install Windows 10 or 11 on the machines if they are good enough. Otherwise we use the Linux or Chromium operating systems.
- They also come installed with useful software application such as Libreoffice, Zoom, Skype, Team Viewer and other popular browsers and document readers.
Beneficiaries of the scheme are referred to us by partner organisation. The partner organisations support local people who lack digital access.
There is no charge to referrers for membership of the scheme.

Terms of borrowing
Beneficiaries of the scheme can borrow a device for six months. After that they can extend the loan if they are still using the device.
Otherwise we ask for it to be returned. If a problem develops with the device, we will take it back and provide a new one. In this way the scheme works a bit like the TV rental schemes that some readers may remember.
However, there is no cost to the beneficiary, either for the initial loan, or as a penalty for damage to the device or late return.
If you would like your organisation to become a referrer to Catbytes, please contact us.
Catbytes takes donations of laptops, desktops, smartphones and tables from the public and corporations.
Data destruction
All laptops and computers donated by the public are wiped using the NvME Secure Erase procedure included Parted Magic software.
Laptops donated by corporations are wiped using the NIST method provided by Blancco software. A free digital certificate of data destruction can also be provided for working laptops from corporations.
Smartphones and tablets will be reset.
No landfill
All electronic equipment we can't use will be given to a recycling company called ToRecycle, who have a 95% no-landfill policy
Web design
Our Websites include include all the standard features you would expect plus a huge range of added benefits.
- They are built in Wordpress, making them easy to update once built
- We use professional themes to create the look of your site
- We have access to thousands of professional quality stock images and graphics to enhance the look of your site
- Our sites are fully responsive, so they will look good on a computer or a mobile phone
- Standard features include contact forms, events listings with online booking option, donation pages and blog/news pages
Having the same company build your site, register the domain, and host it, takes the worry about these issues out of your mind. We provide:
- Domain registration (or transfer)
- Website hosting
- A free SSL certificate (to make your site secure
- Multiple email accounts with your domain (we can give you help with accessing them too)
- We keep your site up to date with the latest security patches and other updates

Our prices are highly competitive. We offer special rates for charities, community organisations, micro-businesses and hobby sites
- Standard price for a website: £300 - 350
- Hosting price: £35 per year + domain cost.
- Price for teaching you how to do site updates: £12 per hour
Please click here to see our previous work
Would you like us to build your website?
If you would like us to build your website, please contact us.
IT Consultancy
Catbytes has helped organisations with problems such as
- Providing organisations with donated equipment, such as desktop computers and monitors
- Setting up and managing email
- Setting up or troubleshooting internet/wifi
- Setting up ICT suites
- Helping clients and members communicate on Zoom
- Supporting organisations getting cheap software, especially if they have charitable status

Among the organisations we have helped are 2000 Community Action Centre, Stanstead Lodge, The Lewisham Irish Community Centre, Lewisham Local, The Ackroyd Centre, the Honor Oak Community Centre, Beyond the Bank, Ewart Community Hall, the Lewisham Pensioners' Forum, The DIamond Club, The Lewisham Community Falls Service, Agents of Change, the Lewisham Wellbeing Map and Lewisham Homes.
Would you like some support from us?
If you have something you would like to discuss, please contact us.