"Coming to computer class makes my week"
Helping people get online
Helping organisations that help people get online
Supporting digital inclusion in Lewisham since 2014
"Coming to computer class makes my week!" Trudi

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Helping people get online
  • We teach people to use devices at our drop in clubs or in their own homes
  • We also loan out donated devices to people to help them develop their skills
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Helping organisations that help people get online
  • A great way to help people is to help the organisations that support them
  • We help organisations to obtain access to equipment, software and skills
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Would you like help using a laptop, tablet or smartphone, or filling in an online form?

  • At a digital drop-in you can get one-on-one support using a device
  • All drop-ins are free
  • They do not have to be booked in advance

The map shows the locations of the drop-ins.
(Click on the markers for more information)