Catbytes launches a digital drop in at St Peter's, Brockley
Catbytes are launching a new digital drop-in at St Peter's Church in Brockley. This will coincide with their already well established social supermarket, which runs on Wednesdays. Volunteers will be present between 12 and 2pm to help visitors to St Peter's with digital queries.
Social supermarkets are an alternative to foodbanks. To qualify to use one you pay a subscription. This makes you a member of the foodbank. They are becoming increasingly common in Lewisham.

You do not have to be a member of the foodbank, or of St Peter's church congregation, to access our digital drop in. Just turn up with your device and your questions. Helen Amy, who is leading the drop ins, will be able to support you.
St Peter's church is on Wickham Rd, SE4 1LT.