Getting ready for Lewisham borough of culture

Our film festival will explore the experience of older people in Lewisham, particularly looking at of experience with aspects of life they are often assumed to be unfamiliar with, such as digital technology and contemporary culture. We are hoping it will balance the generally youthful presentation of the festival in other sources. The films will not only reflect their experiences. They will also be produced with their input, and therefore will be a creative expression of their different perspective, which nevertheless is a part of the whole that makes Lewisham what it is.

Our film festival will explore the experience of older people in Lewisham, particularly looking at of experience with aspects of life they are often assumed to be unfamiliar with, such as digital technology and contemporary culture. We are hoping it will balance the generally youthful presentation of the festival in other sources. The films will not only reflect their experiences. They will also be produced with their input, and therefore will be a creative expression of their different perspective, which nevertheless is a part of the whole that makes Lewisham what it is.

Sadly, shortly before the festival began, one of our main contributors, Maria Beadle, passed away after a brief and sudden illness. She was a source of joy to visitors to Stanstead Lodge and beyond. We have put together a short film made with her on the theme of "Where I would like to be", and are releasing it early, to mark the first day of the borough of culture (January 28th), and to commemorate her. It can be seen here:


