Our Team


Damian Griffiths

Job Title: Managing Director/Founder

Damian worked as a web developer in start-ups for 16 years. Towards the end of this time he started volunteering in Lewisham, and set up the first digital drop-in, which was called a Techy Tea Club. In 2016 he founded Catbytes CIC.

Nanssi Philippe

Job Title: Office administrator and volunteer coordinator

Nanssi had over twenty years of experience in local government before joining us at Catbytes in 2022. This experience included working on homelessness, project management and IT staff support roles. Digital exclusion has been her focus for the past five years.

The Board

Stella Headley

Sistah Stella Headley Leads RMUK Wellbeing CIC, supporting the cultural, social, economic, and personal well-being of under-served communities of South London. RMUK Wellbeing believes that hunger has no post-code boundaries, so focuses on providing support as widely as it can to African and Caribbean households and wider communities, facing difficult circumstances related to access to healthy Food and Well-being support, and using cultural foods to bridge gaps between communities.

RMUK Wellbeing facilitates access to a range of support services from food, financial support to dissemination of public health information; with a focus on community recovery, healing and repair from historical harm, due to systemic and structural inequalities across multiple generations.

RMUK Wellbeing plans and coordinates teams of volunteers delivering key activities included: weekly deliveries of culturally specific groceries with fresh fruit and veg based on a membership model of £4 per fortnight; with experienced doorstep befriending, advocacy, guidance and signposting for those who are isolated (e.g. seniors, young families, chronically ill, single households, and households with no recourse to public funds. We engage with our beneficiaries to gain insights into problems and solutions around food insecurity, food injustice and inequality in order to find tangible solutions to systemic and long term harm caused specifically to African Heritage communities. www.rmukwellbeing.com

John Paschoud

John has worked in computing from 1972 until retirement, in an interesting series of very different roles. He headed the applied research team at a London university which developed new Internet and information management technologies, and has advised local councils and national government agencies on using IT effectively. He has taught computing to undergraduates, school teachers, day-release plumbers and members of Parliament.

After retiring from most paid work, as well as volunteering for Catbytes as a board member and a digital buddy, he is a governor at two schools, a trustee of charities focusing on road safety and computer history, an elected councillor in Lewisham, and he runs a CodeClub for children at a local primary school.

Lisa Bygrave

Lisa is a co-director of Horizon Alternative Education CIC. Thet support young people to achieve their full potential, making health and well-being a primary focus.

Her passion is to inspire others to achieve whatever it is they want to achieve by supporting and coaching.

Peter Webb

Pete was born in Catford and has lived in Lewisham Borough all his life. He qualified as a computer programmer in 2002 and went on to work as a Web designer and IT specialist.

He became Chair of Three Boroughs Housing Co-operative in 2013 and held the post for three years before resigning. He is a trustee of Lewisham Local as well as a director of Catbytes.

He is an active member of Lewisham Timebank and sings in a choir.